Our Services

Personalized For You!

We offer a wide range of services to help each guest on their unique journey!

Individual & Group Therapy

We offer both individual and group therapy sessions with licensed therapists. These sessions provide a safe, confidential space for clients to explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and work towards achieving their mental health goals.

Psychosocial Therapy Service

Psychosocial therapy is a type of treatment that focuses on the relationship between an individual's psychological and social functioning. It can be helpful for those struggling with issues such as anxiety, depression, and social isolation.

Basic Skills


Our basic skills training program is designed to help clients build the skills and confidence they need to navigate daily life and achieve their personal and professional goals. This may include training in areas such as communication, problem-solving, and time management.

Workshops & Rehabilitation

Our center offers a variety of workshops and rehabilitation programs to help clients build coping skills, learn new techniques for managing their mental health, and make positive changes in their lives.


BTH offers a range of programs to meet the diverse needs of our clients. These programs may focus on specific issues or challenges, such as anxiety management or stress reduction, and may be offered in a variety of formats.

Psychosocial Classes

Our psychosocial classes offer a supportive and engaging environment for individuals to enhance their social skills, build meaningful relationships, and improve their overall quality of life.

Community Resources

We believe in the power of community and support in promoting mental health and well-being. We provide our clients with the tools and resources they need to take charge of their mental health and build a strong network of peers and professionals.

Not Seeing What Your Looking For?

Chances are, we offer it! Our experienced staff are specialized in handling all behavioral health related matters! Contact us below to find out more!

It Starts Beyond The Horizon


2920 N 24th Ave, Suite 100

Phoenix, AZ 85015




(602) 464-9780

Copyright 2023. BTH Mental Wellness Center. All rights reserved.